My first night in Australia was a bit of a blur. As soon as I got off the plane I was overtaken by a fever-the chills were out of control! Once we arrived at my cousins house my sister went on an adventure to find me some medicine. By night time my fever seemed to calm down so we went out to dinner with my cousin. We arrived at Bondi Pizza, which was delicious but I was too sick to take pictures, or eat much for that matter :( . On the way out my cousin suggested a chocolate bar across the way but I felt to sick we passed on it (BIGGEST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE!). Little did I know that chocolate bar would become one of the best parts of my trip and another excuse to travel to New York, Boston, Las Vegas even Philly!
Max Brenner Chocolate Bar was amazing! A cafe type place that revolves around chocolate? Chocolate drinks, chocolate cakes, chocolate pots, chocolate EVERYTHING! Please if you have the opportunity to vist DO IT! You will not regret it!!
The Tutti Frutti Waffle is one of their best sellers. A homemade Beglian Waffle drizzled with pure melted chocolate served with strawberries, bananas and vanilla ice cream! YUM
Italian Thick Milk Hot Chocolate was to die for!!! Pretty much drinking pure melted chocolate AHHHMAZING!!

I ordered this delicious treat MULTIPLE times! Everyime we came back I just could not help myself it was scrumptious!
Pizza dough smothered in pure melted chocolate topped with corn flakes, homemade marshmallows, carmelized pecans, and white chocolate drops. This was tasty a bit too dry for me, maybe next time add some vanilla ice cream?
Chocolate Souffle drizzled with pure melted chocolate and I added some fresh strawberries and vanilla ice cream! Classic and delicious!
Another wonderful hot chocolate served with chocolate covered waffle balls inside :) So tasty! Loved it!
After these photos, if you are not salivating you have issues! ;)
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